In the Harmony Montgomery case, it’s one of the biggest unanswered questions: why did a Massachusetts judge grant custody of the five year old child to her father, Adam Montgomery, a convicted violent felon?
Months after Adam gained custody of Harmony, she disappeared.
In 2024, Adam Montgomery was convicted of killing and dismembering his daughter.
At the SJC, an attorney for a documentary filmmaker argued for releasing the sealed files of a February 2019 Family Court hearing that resulted in Adam gaining custody of Harmony.
“Nobody knows. Not the legislature, not anybody outside the parties themselves and the OCA (Office of the Child Advocate), knows exactly what happened during that hearing that resulted in the court granting custody,” attorney Jennifer Lamanna argued on behalf of LC Media.
Some justices appeared to agree with the filmmaker.
“This is one of those extreme cases where maybe the veil of privacy should be pierced,” Justice Delila Argaez Wendlandt said.
By state law, family court hearings are kept sealed for privacy reasons.
But at this hearing, justices challenged whether in this case continuing that official silence does more harm.
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“The father has been convicted of killing the child. The child is deceased, the obvious interest is making sure this child hasn’t died in vain, we’re not going to do this again. We’re going to do everything humanly possible to not make the same mistakes again, right? Isn’t that the legitimate interest here?” SJC Justice Scott Kaftker asked.
“Because the intimacy, the intimate nature of the details in that exist in care and protection cases warrant confidentiality,” Kristin Stone Braithwaite, attorney for Department for Children and Families answered.
Adam Montgomery, who is in prison in New Hampshire is not fighting the request.
However, at the hearing, we learned that Crystal Sorey, Harmony’s birth mother, does not want the entire file released for privacy reasons.
The SJC’s decision is not expected for several weeks.
Why did a MA judge grant Adam Montgomery, a convicted violent felon, custody of his daughter Harmony, months before he murdered her? SJC considers releasing confidential records. My story @boston25 4,5,6pm